Monday, May 2, 2011


I titled this post "solemn" because that is the best word that I can find to describe my emotions today. Now understand that this date is a difficult one for me, due to some personal tragedies, and that is undoubtedly affecting my emotions. But I have learned, over the past five years to do two things, embrace my emotions and to write out my thoughts. on if you want, but I need to get what is churning in my brain down on paper. You have been warned.

I am thrilled that Osama bin Laden is dead. I cheered and pulled my car over and said a prayer of thanks last night as the news broke. And I am grateful for the military and the intelligence personnel who have worked tirelessly to bring us to this point. I am also grateful for the opportunity for the American people to rally and to cheer in the streets. That being said, this also brings on a great deal of thought and pondering and introspection. In my lifetime I have only seen the people of America come together and bond on a handful of occasions. As I sit here contemplating today, I realize that all of these occasions involved death. There is nothing wrong with this, I know, better than many, the need to come together in times of tragedy. But I also yearn to see the American people come together and be engaged in positive and thoughtful excitement over our nation's past and future. I would love to see a measured and balanced engagement, in large numbers of people, about the miracle that is the United States and how to keep the miracle alive and thriving. But I do not see this. I see a nation who is in danger of being manipulated by emotion good and bad, and yes, this worries me.

Yes, we absolutely should be taking to the streets in an ELEGANT display of relief. I am all for that, we should show the world how to honor and celebrate those who choose to put their lives on the line for this nation. But I do think that we should keep it dignified and controlled, for the world is watching. I am filled with pride over the fact that I am privileged to know a number of great military service people, past and present and relish the opportunity to thank them, every chance I get. I pray that we keep thanking them, far beyond today.

I love the excitement and the energy that is present today and I am going to ride it and absorb as much as I can. And I will say prayers that the sense of unity that we feel will continue and even grow beyond today and cause large numbers of Americans to ponder just what it means to be an American and what we can do to maintain all that we have been given.


  1. I am so glad you post your blog on Facebook. I love this post and your insights.

  2. Thank you so much, Jennie! I worried about being too much of a wet blanket so I appreciate the feedback.

  3. Hey Sis Egbert, I know I haven't talked to you in a loongg time, but I think this is amazing! This whole thing about Bin Laden is just making me sick over how people are reacting over his death. You explained it beautifully and I agree with you so much! Thanks for sharing! :)

  4. We don't ever get a chance to talk, but I keep track of you because I talk to Kelby (who I am having lunch with shortly) and your mom. Thank you so much, lovely one, for your kind thoughts. Your's is an educated response and so I appreciate hearing from you!
