Thursday, June 30, 2011


I recently participated,as an observer, in a panel discussion of the book "Beyond Capitalism & Socialism", edited by Tobias J. Lanz. I was intrigued by both the book and the discussion. But the book, admittedly, frustrated me because it espoused a lot of grand ideas, but gave very little in the way of concrete application. However, some panelists in the discussion offered some terrific solid ideas on how to approach applying the Distributist movement in the day to day world. I was particularly engaged by something that Dr. Shanon Brooks offered. I was not surprised by this offering. Dr. Brooks, whether he realizes it or not, has truly become a mentor for me in some personal goals in my life as well as on a more broad scale. He offered "Seven Steps to Engaging Free Enterprise". I will not be listing those seven steps here. But anyone who reads this should read about them. They can be found in an article located at... Please visit this link, I apologize that you must cut and paste the address. Blogspot can be so stupid. of Dr. Brooks seven steps really struck with me and as a result of considering this, I had a powerful epiphany and I have subsequently been chewing on it all day. It is number six on his list, "Develop a Family Foundation". I intend to talk to Dr. Brooks about just what this means to him, at some point, but right now I am having a powerful time defining this for myself. The first thing that popped into my head as I was considering the word foundation was a line from the Declaration of Independence. "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such a form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." THAT is what I want in my family structure. THAT bolded portion from the Declaration is exactly what my family needs. And we are going to have to both alter and abolish some of our previous Forms in order to achieve Safety and Happiness in our little organization.

Now I am on fire with ideas on what changes need to be made so that we can have a true Family Foundation. It must begin with a restructuring of power, our situation warrants that adjustment. I have been fighting this alteration up until the moment when I read those words, penned by Jefferson, because I was frightened and frustrated and frankly angry about the need for this change. But, today, while the fear is still not erased, it is contained and I am ready to move forward and lay the adjusted foundation that my family needs in order to move forward in Safety and Happiness for ALL involved.

Do not try to tell me that documents like the Declaration are dead or passe. Do not try and tell me that gathering and talking issues out is ineffective and nonproductive. Granted, we cannot simply read these documents, declare them good, and walk away nor can we simply gather and talk and exchange ideas and then get in our cars and simply return to our same lives. We must engage. It is not a small thing that Dr. Brooks list uses the term "Engaging Free Enterprise". And frankly, unlike some on that panel that I observed, Dr. Brooks is not just talking, he is doing and he is beginning his doing right in his own backyard and then branching out from there to others who will listen. It is time for me to do. I do so love the talk and the discussion and the exchange of ideas. But I can truly say, tonight, that I am ready to engage. I am ready to implement. I am ready to lay a foundation.

Anyone care to join me??!!